So I said to myself, fuck it. I know that the ideas in my head are far from complete and cohesive, but at the very least get them down on paper. Or screen. I loathe Microsoft Word with every fibre of my being and have thus far resorted to writing in longhand, in notebooks, like our forefathers (and mothers, presumably). And while this had a certain old-school charm to it, it was also painfully impractical. I lose notebooks too easily, and I can’t read my own handwriting, especially not the sort borne out of sleepless nights. But then I discovered
WriteRoom and have been loving it so far. One sloppy and scatterbrained chapter down, who knows how many to go. Lord I feel accomplished.
And yes, I like 30 Seconds To Mars. I also seem to like at least a couple songs by My Chemical Romance. Get over it.