Jun 25, 2005 16:12
So I just got home from vacation and I don't feel like unpacking so I think I'll write a bit.
Every time I see my brother I end up losing about 30 bucks buying cds he tells me I should have. And... this pattern has been repeated. I bought the new DKM cd he wanted me to get and now I have to go buy Stray Cats.
But the DKM track is hott and I'm lovin the one Stray Cats song I downloaded: Stray Cat Strut. Download it people, it's awesome. And my brother played it on the guitar and it was totally sweet. I'm not gonna lie. He can barely sing but he does the Stray Cats stuff awesome and he's got Sublime and OAR down. Like perfect. It's incredible.
I gotta go unpack too... and do my makeup and stuff. Then dinner with my family... like I haven't had enough of that. Omg they fed me so much on vacation. I was always full before we started eating. Thursday night I couldn't take one bite at all. And I just put my head on Jus' shoulder and he's like, "I understand." It was like... incredible amounts of food. So last night I had a sandwich and Brandon (football player) had a steak and we watched Bad Boys 2 and Meet The Parents and just chilled instead of running around like Aunt Margie looooooves to do. And it was like so fun.
But before I go, I found this and thought I'd give it a whirl. Enjoy!
01. Fallen for your best friend? yes
02. Made out with JUST a friend? no
03. Been rejected after asking out a guy? yes
04. Been in love? yes
05. Been in lust? yes
06. Used someone? yes
08. Cheated on someone? no
09. Been cheated on? hope not
10. Been kissed? hehe
11. Done something you regret? can't think of anything