today rocked.
Nicole met up, and explored Hoboken for a little while. i hate driving there, people are such assholes. i cracked some guys bumper while pulling out of my tight-ass parking spot. *whoops!* plus i got to meet
Joanna finally, she is really cool. hopefully she can hang out this weekend. speaking of, i hope this shore idea works this time. i'm all for it! you should come, too!
after dropping those two off, i headed down to fords to kristen's house cuz her parents are out of town. it was just a little get-together, and now
TomAss and I are back at his place. i am currently contemplating the idea of crashing here or going home to my comfy bed. hmmm.... ??
anyway, as for tomorrow,
Nicole is supposed to call be at some point, then i'll supposedly head down to V V for the type o negative thing, where
Chris and
Duck will be, which is cool cuz i haven't seen them since
Degner's party. then we're all gonna head to denny's on 35, where i'm gonna get to see
Zeus, who i also haven't seen since the party. rock. =P
as for now i would write more, but my pillow is calling me........ good nite