J.U.N.K. # 90
(Justinian’s United Network for Kids)
All I am saying is, if all the doctors exist in time but not at the same time when one regeneration dies it really won’t matter cause the other ones will take up the slack. Since it is possible at certain points for them to exist within the same time stream. Oh and that the Doctor knows everything that is supposed to happen most of the time, he knows what he will do as well as what he has done. That’s time travel for you.
Welcome one and all to another installment of my ramblings and what have youse.
Recently I had the fortune of organizing the second RFE Ethereal Exhibition, this one being the Waltham Edition which was a part of the Steampunk City. The first was put together by the General from the Wandering Legion during Industrial Revolution in NH.
Thank you to all the Artists that contributed, it meant a lot to me to have people that I have encountered through school or whatever I was doing at the time all to be in the same place artistically. I mean, most people had no idea what the connection was to me. Probably should mention that next time. In any case I was very lucky to get the space I had for the event. Located in the hub of the Steampunk City, the Visitor Center where you had to get your badge and info for the event. People were taking pictures of the work and quietly giving their opinions to their friends then giggling away. Well I tell you I could not stand for that so I marched right after them and politely made them stop walking until I could see each of their chattering faces. Lo and behold they had no face to which to chatter with. Quickly I knew what had to be done. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. No faces? How do they chatter with no faces? I got back to the Gallery and it was still full of people looking at all the fantastic art by people I thought were fantastic. I think it definitely had an impact on the event. There were a broad range of mediums and artists. From clothing designers to professional artists to non professionals to children. All were given the same amount of attention by all the guests. To me an event needs to have an art show, and from what I saw of the masses, this was a great art show. Hopefully they will allow me to do it again.
Thank you Joey Marsocci, Jeffrey Lilley, Jessica Lilley, Kathryn Paterwic, Brendan Wilson, and Nick Perry along with everybody else who helped set up the show. Would have been a lot tougher without you to help me.
I intend to have another show, and I would like to propose this to the artists I have not spoken to about this.
I would like to keep the work you mailed to me for future shows until I sell your work and can mail you a check. If you would like any of this in writing please let me know. I want to continue to show the work of the talented people I know, citizens of the RFE especially. I am currently working on, with the help of Double Agent, having a show in Norwich CT. So those of you who might have missed submitting for the last one can have another go.
Then there was Steampunk World’s Fair. Let me tell you, one of the reasons I go to these events is so that my friend circles from different parts of the country can collide as one party. One of the reasons for the RFE. So that those of us who have banded together as friends can show that we celebrate that friendship in a geek dork way. That’s all I’m saying. I mean there is something to be said about carousing with people that you love to be around. From the Imperial games to Whose Line to the Five Emperors to the panels that I hoped to be entertaining to the mad Tea to the puppet show to just talking with great people. It was a blast and just about everything I wanted for the second year of this event. There were some obstacles had by my compatriots and I felt bad for them. Once again Professor Elemental wanted a poster I designed for the event which was nice.
I enjoy my life even with all the bumps and obstacles that are being thrown at me or that I create through my own inefficiency. I am not sure a lot of people do. I mean, no I am not the happiest I have been but I am working on it. I think its funny that one set of people tell me how talented I am but at the same time I do not have the adequate skills for any job in the arts. Okay enough of that, no need to get into that here. Deep breath, and out.
I really like entertaining people at an event the way I do. I am always worried that I am not doing enough. I have gone to panels and many times they were not very entertaining. I do not want to have a panel or any part of what I do not be entertaining to those who have bought a ticket or took the time to sit at something I am talking about. If you walk away with some new information then cool, but I am going for a good time. I don’t think it’s the right or wrong way for a panel or talk or whatever, I just like it my way. I have come to really enjoy engaging people. Now, if I get an aloof or don’t mess with me look from someone then the conversation will probably be brief, otherwise I love talking to people I have not met.
I have an eye in a jar on my desk. Eating raw carrots and wondering what I am going to do before I eat a burger and go to D&D. I have said it before and I will say it again. I will not stop. If there is a good group of people I will always be up for a game.
Alright time to end this before I get too wordy. So I end this with a knife in my hand soiled with sauce from cutting chicken in my lap. I know it may sound a bit you know, unclean, I will have you know that there are no metaphors in that sentence. I like chicken.
Keep up the Fight
All pictures taken by Lady of Graves