Me in Real Life

Apr 07, 2008 22:56


So my friend sent me a code for a free Redbox rental (hella confusing, BTW, but the guy in line behind me was totally patient and nice and helped me out) and I picked up Dan in Real Life.  I bawled.  Steve Carrell kills me so much it absolutely hurts.  And I don't ever want to get into a relationship, or "like" anybody ever again, or get married, or have kids - except that then he was so happy.  And nobody does happy like Steve Carrell.

Him (were he not happily married - and/or playing a character) I would date.

Damn.  Damn damn damn.

(Just wanted to share with somebody.  Thanks!)

Oh, and in other "Office" news, earlier today I saw Leatherheads (I've got the day off from work - lots of movies to catch up on) - sooo cute.  And John Krasinski, adorable as he is (and oh, how he is) was completely outclassed by George Clooney.  Holy crap, that man is LETHALLY charming.  He even made Renee Zellweger look good.

I have to go buy the Fug Girls' "I (heart) Intern George" shirt now.

george clooney., movie, steve carrell

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