A Day In Jewelry Originally uploaded by
wakachamo. Good God. Long have I been in a proportion-less cage of stress and trouble ever since this year has started. I long for the usual days here at home.
But yeah. For those who don't know, my parents went forth with the whole divorce thing, and now I'm being switched from place to place all the time, and am being pushed in front of all the problems while I've yet to face mine - especially in this huge GCSE coursework choosing season. I sometimes ask myself how I can handle all this shit and more without even thinking of leaving all this behind and losing all hope.
Thank Goodness I've managed to keep up until now. It looks like it won't stop so seen anyway. My father's acting like a shithead, my mother's trying to act nice but deep inside she's becoming a real pain.
On the good stuff anyways, I received my report grades like, ages ago and I'm very pleased with the results. 8D Hopefully however, I can keep it up like this.
To everybody who doesn't know yet, besides being at Play-Nintendo.com making all those crazy morning news roundups, PPN's invited me to join PokemonPalace.net and start
my own little blog there, even though you'll occasionally see me posting some stuff on the very front page itself - we'll see how that goes.
I apologize for the huge lack of art on my
dA account recently, but I am back with one little photo and am planning to go back to a regular shooting schedule with Spring and Summer approaching very soon!
And I just wanna thank FG for always being there - you've been such a sweet friend all along. XD Thank-you so much.
I guess this is it for my little update, but don't expect me to disappear so soon. =P