Sep 20, 2007 19:17
Life for me has been going downhill and I aint doing to well, Alot of things are bothering me but all I'm gonna talk about is the main one.
My grandma got in a Car Accident about 3 Weeks on 10 Highway and 184, what happen was a 5 ton truck ran a red light and hit my aunts SUV a dodge Durango 2004. Then my aunts SUV swung out and hit a pole then the truck hit like 5 other cars, it happened on the same night as that trucker who hit those people going to a wedding it Abbotsford. My Grandma injures are: Fractured Skull, 3 Ribs, Fractured Hip, and One collapsed lung. Her Health has been going up and down first she was breathing on her own then she went Critical and now is in Intensive Care. Then she started breathing on her own again and now she just went back on the respirator and there don't know why. The only thing they said was she still can't breath with her entire lungs like she can’t take a deep breath just kind of shallow. The thing that boggles me the most is why this has to happen to her: My Grandma for her entire life has always been doing services to the temple. For example since childhood she has been doing Community her entire life my Grandma parent where priest of a temple in India so that where she did it. My Grandma can't read Punjabi but she learned how to read the Guru Granth Sahib for her had all 1440pages. So ever since she knew how she gets up like 4am then takes a bath and read specific chapter every day (The night prayer is called I forgot but the night one is called Rare-rass)and she has been doing that her whole life. Then right after she does that she heads to the temple around 12ish and does services for the temple such as cleaning, cooking, or she can take turn reading the Holy book. She does that for about 5-7 hours EVERYDAY seriously. So it just boggles my mind and just this happened to happen to her. Another thing if you want to be a priest at a temple then you can never eat meat , and you cant cut any hair on your body , and you only comb you hair with a specific comb that is given and you get shared food like if I take and bite then she takes it I bite that cant work. This is another thing that she has been doing her whole life she has NEVER tasted meat so it’s a big commitment. She told me when I married you Grandfather I was 12 year old and you Grandfather was that same age she said after the wedding we went across the street to a playground lol that really made me laugh. I forgot to mention something that she she can't share food or drinks she has never kissed my grandfather either she said on the wedding day I just hugged and we have never kissed. That just shocked me it shows how faithful she was. I was thinking it should have been me not her I'm a horrible person and should have taken her place. Why did God do this to her, she has been faithful since the day she was born. It's so strange
P.S The priest thing is also the reaons why you she my Senior Sikh female and male with Facial Hair , it's cause the can't cut it. Also you can identify I priest cause they will have a small dagger around them.