Aug 04, 2007 17:08
So yeah yeah... life is life. I'm a workaholic and I can accept that. Things feel familiar... people at work don't get it ... I take everything too seriously and I don't give a fuck. I don't care to explain myself to anyone anymore. If I want to say something to someone I will. I am this adorable 22 yearold girl who is not yet a woman in my mothers eyes.. which I will admit I use to my advantage sometimes. I have a new car which I am totally expecting someone to come and take away at any moments notice, leave me stranded with tears running down my face, making me remember that people even those we allow into our personal bubbles SUCK. Almost happened will happen whatever you want to call it... I'm headed to work... so i gotta put on my happy diligent face... yes.
ohyeah got in touch with J fucking random... loved talking to her. She's getting married so I am bridesmaid #1 in 2009 lol... wow. Who'd have fucking thought??
oohhh ...
yes lol lavender here I come lol