Dec 14, 2006 01:29
I'm so sick of this situtation. Beyond sick of it. Why? Why does this alway fucking happen? It hurts my head It hurts my insides. I was having such a good time and then here it happens the buzz killer smashes me down like there will never ever be a good tomorrow. Am I one of those human beings who is always looking fo the bad or am I the one who it just bitch slaps in the face? Why do I ALWAYS WANT TO YELL!!!??? is that in of itself Healthy? Who really gives a rats ass? Ohh Christmas tree oh christmas tree I've given up all hope... oh christmas tree oh christmas tree I feel like quitting the world and just dying. I know it sounds like the most pitiful thing to say but really life goes on... telll me who realistically can't go on.....rant rant rant rant rant rant rant ran...t...................
i'm going to eat now.