Jan 26, 2005 14:27

Because I apparently have the constitution of a chinchilla, I have a cold.


It just better not be strep throat from the guy whose office is next to mine.

Anyway, I am tired and cranky and don't feel like working . . . thus, it is meme time.

Gakked from algernonthemous and lucifrix, and possibly others as well.

What year was it?
1987. Dear God in Heaven.

What were your three favorite bands?
Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, The Smiths.

What was your favorite outfit?
Anything black. I was a wannabe Goth.

What was up with your hair?
An auburn, chin-length bob, with bangs, that didn't lead to huge arguments with my folks.

Who were your best friends?
John and Kristin. They still are.

What did you do after school?
Orchestra, theater, or tennis practice, depending on the time of year... then walked the long way home with Kristin, talking our heads off.

Where did you work?
At Wendy's.

Did you take the bus?
Only NJTransit to Philly. We walked everywhere else... or mooched a ride from my dad, who could always be counted on to shuttle us wherever we needed to go.

Who did you have a crush on?
Hm. Probably the same guys I had a crush on through most of school... Pat, Ronnie, Don. I'm sure there were others. Oh, and a really cute freshman named Brian, who a few years ago was arrested and convicted for stabbing to death a transvestite under the Wildwood boardwalk.

Did you fight with your parents?
Not really. I wanted to be rebellious but didn't have the guts... the few times I acted out, I totally got busted and the angst just wasn't worth it.

Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
Roger Taylor from Duran Duran. And Dolph Lundgren. Yum.

Did you smoke cigarettes?

Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
Nobody in my school would have been caught dead with a backpack. Shoulder totes only! I went to my locker religiously before school, before and after gym, choir, lunch, and at the end of the day. It helped that we were a really small school... I think my graduating class had, like, 135 people in it.

Did you have a 'clique'?
I guess I sort of did... although I wouldn't have defined it as such at the time. But there were a pack of us in karate, all the same age, and we hung together pretty tightly.

Did you have "The Max" like Zach Kelly and Slater?
The what?

Admit it, were you popular?
My memories are colored by feeling very unpopular throughout most of middle school, but realistically, I know that I had my own circle of friends and although I wasn't part of the 'popular' crowd, I also wasn't part of the utter social outcasts.

Who did you want to be just like?
Elisabeth D. I thought she was the sweetest girl in the senior class... not coincidentally, she also was a popular girl who was nice to me. She had beautiful hands and dimples and was really smart as well, played the viola in orchestra and had the guts to date a black boy in a town and a time where and when that was frowned upon. Hm, I think I may have had a bit of a girl-crush on her.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Heh. A vampire. Or a courtesan.

Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
I honestly just assumed that I'd be married and have a couple of kids by now. Thank God I'm burdened with neither!

memes, health

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