Happy Monday.

Jun 28, 2004 10:15

On Friday night, someone managed to outwit the security guards -- not like that's difficult -- and remain in the library after closing.

We're pretty sure that we know who the guy is.

He did this deliberately, after spending several weeks hanging out here and making friends, so that he could break into the locked cabinet where we keep the key for the cash drawer.

He took all the money in the cash drawer, most of the pre-loaded cash cards for the photocopiers, and our walkie-talkies. He also helped himself to a cell phone and a mini-cassette recorder that had been left in the lost-and-found.

There was only about a hundred and sixty-odd dollars in cash. The photocopy cards . . . I guess he'll sell them for less than their face value.

The bigger thing is the sense of invasion we all feel. We're pretty honest around here, and have seldom had problems of anything larger than the occasional unscrupulous student worker helping himself to a twenty during his shift.

No one has ever gone through so much trouble to case the library and actually steal what little money we have on hand.

Our once sacrosanct territory has been rudely violated.

Honestly -- what kind of a person steals money from a library?!?!?!

What a loser.


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