(no subject)

Dec 17, 2003 19:27

Is there no way in this world for Tom Welling to JUST FUCKING STOP looking so goddamned pretty?

He's fucking killing me with that smile.

I was in the Coumadin clinic for my weekly blood test yesterday morning and caught a glimpse of him on Regis & Kelly.

And, as usual, I found myself thinking that he really doesn't interview terribly well, as he comes across as only slightly more intelligent than the average box of rocks.

Then he let loose that blinding fucking smile and I slid into my chair with an audible thump and, quite possibly, an entirely-too-obvious moan of excitement.

Which, of course, caused the many elderly pensioners in the room to stare at me very strangely.

On the plus side, the subsequent attempts to turn me into a pincushion barely fazed me, as my eyes were otherwise occupied with The Pretty. If I had only known, all this time, that staring at TW was all it would take to sufficiently distract me from the weekly fingerstick!

And on a related note? Michael Rosenbaum showing up at Tom's movie premiere?

Just cementing my trip to The Special Hell.

Why, oh why, can't my muses give me more Medieval CLex? No, instead they're taunting me with plotless porn for RPS.

Shoot me now.


Of course, another reason I'd like to be shot?

Today I got busted for skinning out of work two hours early yesterday.

Yep, thirty seconds after I snuck out, the boss called, ostensibly to ask me to check her office to be sure that the space heater was turned off.

Now I'm sure that a variety of people will be finding reasons to check up on me.

I'm so fucked.

My boss reamed me out, and then my immediate supervisor did a number on me as well. Nothing like getting it from both ends and up the middle.

Granted, it was totally my bad. I pushed the envelope, and I got caught. It just sucks to get chewed out by multiple supervisory levels.


I still don't have my Christmas tree up, although my outdoor light display looks lovely. I really should have brought my Christmas cards with me to work on tonight, but I was planning on sneaking out early again. Not anymore!

Well, maybe I'll have time to write out cards tomorrow.

I have a dishwasher to load and laundry to do, a house to vacuum and presents to wrap. There's a hairdresser's appointment scheduled on Saturday and Aunt Jinny's annual Christmas brunch on Sunday.

It's going to be a busy week.

holidays, work, pretty boys, life

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