Happy Turkey Day to all!

Nov 27, 2003 22:41

*happy sigh*

It's been a pretty good week.

My friend Amanda kidnapped me and took me shopping on Saturday. I've lost just enough weight that a lot of my clothes don't fit properly anymore . . . but not quite enough to fit into the clothes that used to fit.

I also have the unfortunate distinction of being the only person in the world who gets overheated from being on blood thinners.

So I picked up a few short-sleeved sweaters and the world's most perfect "little black dress", which my mother always warned me I would one day wish I had.

And now, I do. Have it, that is.

On Monday, I went to my new outpatient physical therapy. The therapist thinks I'll be back up to snuff within a few weeks. I'm greatly excited.

And on Wednesday, I went back to work!


Who'd ever have thought that I'd ever be excited about going to work?

It's good that I only signed up for a half-day, because I had to punk out after only about four hours. That really surprised me. I didn't expect to be so uncomfortable, or so exhausted.

Then today was Turkey Day!

My friend Kristin and I usually take turns hosting holiday dinners. Of course, since I've been sick, we knew that she would have to field Thanksgiving this year. It went a lot more smoothly than last year, when I basically came over and cooked the whole thing.

Everyone had a fine time, and since most of her family are vegetarians, there were plenty of leftovers for me!

Then my mom and I went over to Aunt Jinny's for dessert and coffee, which was also very nice. I would have liked to stay longer, but I'd already had a really long day, and my leg was warning me that I'd better trot on home and rest it.

Hopefully tomorrow, I can talk my mom into putting up the outdoor Christmas decorations while the weather is still pleasant.

I really feel grateful for so many things, this year, not the least of which are :

My family and friends, without whom I could not have made it through my recent health crisis;

And my health, which is certainly improving, and which could have been so much worse and had such potentially severe consequences.

Well, I'm off to an early bedtime.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

holidays, health, shopping

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