I'm sort of back.

Sep 26, 2003 20:46

I have internet access for about 3 days, before my neighbor collects her laptop. Hopefully, she'll bring it back by the end of the week. I really don't feel right demanding permanent access to her computer!

So. I was in the hospital for treatment of, and am still recovering from, a deep vein thrombosis. This is also known as a blood clot, the really nasty kind that's hard to treat. I'm glad to be out of the hospital, but it sucks to be non-mobile. I'm hopping around on crutches, and have started physical therapy, but it's still tough, and slow, going.

I hope that I will never again take for granted such simple things as the ability to walk under my own power.

I also had something of a spiritual reawakening. Being stashed in the stroke ward will do that do a person, I suspect. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts. More about that at another time.

Well, I'm off to work on Medieval CLex. It's not like I've got anything else that I can do. ;)


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