(no subject)

Aug 25, 2003 15:50

God. This is one of those funny-pathetic kind of things.

So. Boss takes off for a week, practically without telling anyone.

But . . . she also authorizes two other people to take off for the week.

This a) impacts the Reference Desk schedule, which sends Mr. Punk-Rock-King-of-the-Library into panic mode; and

b) impacts the night schedule, which I handle. Which sends Mr. PRKL even further into whining inanity, even though it's not his concern. And irritates the shit out of me, because the boss approved this vacation time without making sure that the person in question had arranged coverage for his shifts -- but I deal.

No big . . . coverage is acheived, all is well with the world.

BUT . . . the meddlesome little fucker goes trotting off to the boss' Boss, the library director, to report all these scheduling snafus. And she calls the boss at home and chews her out for mismanaging the vacation schedule.

Then the boss calls my immediate supervisor and gives her grief for not handling the issue of evening coverage herself.

So then my supervisor delivers a load of crap to me about how I should have told her the problem so that *she* could have been the one to tell the Ultimate Queen Bee.

Uh . . . the fact that you were sitting RIGHT THERE, participating in the conversation, kind of precluded me needing to tell you about either the problem or the solution. And if it were that important, why the hell didn't you jump in and take care of things? You were perfectly happy letting him deal with it, until you got reamed a new one.

Every time that I think I could like this chick, she turns around and does something asshatty.


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