(no subject)

Aug 11, 2003 14:55

So. Evidently, I have a serious problem tolerating anything in the sedative department. I've been hungover on Xanax for two days now.

See, I had to have blood drawn on Saturday. I am phobic about hypodermic needles. As in, will-go-crazy-and-tear-you-to-pieces-if-you-come-near-me-with-one.

Actually, I'll probably just take one look at it and boom! Flat on the floor, passed out. Still. Seriously panic-stricken over going for blood work. So the doc prescribed me Xanax, and it did help.

And kept on helping.

I was still stupid as of high noon on Sunday morning.

Finally, I stopped walking into walls and giggling randomly, only to be overtaken by exhaustion so extreme that I would have called the doctor if I'd had the energy. However, the weariness may well be attributible to blood loss. Apparently, they siphoned more than eight tubes of blood out of me -- which I had not been expecting. So I guess I am suffering from mild anemia and some dehydration.

Thus, steak for dinner last night. Roast beef for lunch today. Just in case. And a whole lotta water. I'm practically floating.

drugs, weekend, health

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