(no subject)

Jun 27, 2003 15:46

Another long-ass boring day at work. Coming in at ten should've made the day go much faster, but I guess that a morning that starts with one's yearly gynecological exam isn't going to improve much after that.

Eh. Yearly exams aren't that big of a deal . . . they're more of an inconvenience than anything else. Next year, when I turn thirty-five, I can look forward to the joys of my first mammogram!

You should hear my doc when she says this. It's like I've just won a prize or something.

Goofy lady.

Cut for the modest, squeamish, or disinterested. :)

Anyway, I complained that the Pill made me sick to my stomach all the time, so she put me on something new called NuvaRing. It's a little plastic doohickey that you insert into your vagina for three weeks of every month. During that time, it releases hormones that prevent pregnancy. At the beginning of the fourth week, you yank it out and then you get your period.

It's just like the Pill, only you don't have to take it every day, which is really quite cool.

There's a certain vague sensation, like just a hint of presence, but I may well be imagining it. And at any rate, it certainly isn't bothering me at all . . . it's more like an awareness. Like how you can never *really* forget that you have a tampon in.

Getting it in was easy, but getting it out took some practice. After the first successful try, it was smooth sailing, but I had to squirm around a bit to get a good angle for the grabbing. And trying to do this with the doctor watching to make sure that I managed it was a bit more than I'd bargained for.

Still, I persevered and ultimately, triumphed. I am now the proud owner of a three-month supply of little rubbery-looking gasket-type things.

So I guess we'll see how it works out. I'll keep you all posted.

Feel free to ask me questions about it . . . I'm not shy about stuff like that.


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