A day that starts out like this . . . .

Aug 07, 2002 13:00

I came in to work today, just like any other day, and settled down at my desk with milk and a danish for breakfast.

As I'm opening up my mail program and digging into the day's work load, I glanced at the papers filed vertically beside my computer and I noticed something horrible.



I hate roaches. No, more accurately -- I loathe, despise, and abhor roaches. Can't stand them.

So I grabbed the pile of papers, threw the whole stack on the floor, and started jumping up and down on them, hoping to squash the roach in the process.

Then I had to be a *total* girl and get one of the guys to check through the files and make sure that the insect was eradicated. I mean, what if I'd missed and it had jumped out and -- God forbid -- actually LANDED on me?

I know it was a small roach. Possibly a baby. But that makes it even worse . . . because a baby roach means adult roaches! Somewhere else!

I asked my boss to call Environmental Services and have the library exterminated. I'm actually finding myself holding my feet up off the floor, because I'm worried that roaches will try to crawl up my pants legs.

Ewwwwwwwwwwww! Give me a mouse, any day.


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