Great. Yet another fandom.

Jan 15, 2010 11:11

The Vampire Diaries has totally sucked me in-- you'll pardon the pun, I'm sure.

The show starts at unlikely and blows straight through implausible, out the other side into ridiculous. Let's just begin with the idea that it's set in Virginia . . . and yet NO ONE SPEAKS WITH A SOUTHERN ACCENT.

Nope. Not a one.

I lived in freakin' DELAWARE for almost two years. Half the people I heard on a daily basis-- and I'm just talking about passing through in a supermarket or an Applebee's or a Wal-Mart-- had Confederate license plates and Southern accents. Virginia's even further south of the Mason-Dixon line, and you expect me to believe that EVERY SINGLE RESIDENT is totally Northern in speech?

And the general historical inaccuracies would make my head explode if I focused on them, so I'm just going to ignore them ( just like the writers do, it seems ).

Yeah. See that hook up there? No, the one on the thirty-fifth floor of the skyscraper next door. Yeah, that's your disbelief, suspended allllllllllllll the way up there.

Let's not even get into the question of thirty-something actors playing high-school students, shall we? Mmm. I thought not.

And speaking of high school . . . yeah, I REMEMBER that teenage angst, that sense that everything was the END OF THE WORLD, but JFC GTF OVER YOURSELF BITCH.

Which is doubtless what people my age have been saying to people of that age for hundreds of years, so hey! I have something in common with hundred-and-fifty-year-old vampires. Who knew?

Actually, the entire show is kinda like BtVS / Angel, Smallville, and Twilight all mashed up together, and I spend half my time watching it through my fingers and alternately chanting, "I'm too old for this show," and, "I can't believe I'm watching this crap!"

And then Ian Somerhalder's Damon sweeps on screen and blows me away, and I remember . . . yeah, THAT'S why I'm watching it.

My bulletproof kink has always been insane antiheroes.

I love a bad boy in any form, but give me a beautiful, brilliant nutcase with a purpose ( and usually displaying some kind of twisted emotion ), and I am GONE.

It's why I loved Sam in BUABS . . . Angel after he lost his soul . . . and now Damon, the malicious Machiavel with a diabolical plan.

I mean, come on-- what's not to love about a guy who has lines like these:

I promised you an eternity of misery, little brother. I'm just keeping my word.

And then you get Stefan going off and being all tortured and broody and squirrel-eating. I'm waiting for Damon to call him a little bitch and be done with it.

I wouldn't go so far as to call him "comic relief", but Damon always has the best lines, the sharpest delivery, that little zinger that puts one over on someone ( usually Stefan ) and makes me grin.

Like after he gets attacked and is on the phone telling Stefan about it-- and when will Civil-War-era vampires talking on cell phones ever stop being funny, I wonder-- and Damon is, of course, threatening to rip the culprit to pieces over the incident:

Stefan: Are you okay?

Damon: No, I'm not okay. I was ambushed, I was shot, and now I'm vengeful.

I like Damon being pretty much out for himself. He's kind of an asshole and he really doesn't care. There's a certain logic to his behavior . . . like when he confronts the mystery vampire about who turned him and this scene happens:

Logan: Whose side are you on?

Damon: I'm not on anybody's side. You pissed me off. I want you dead.

And he's very casual about it, very matter-of-fact--almost a quid-pro-quo kind of reaction. He obviously has feelings and emotions, but they're all very self-oriented.

Hot Topic put out "Team Stefan" and "Team Damon" t-shirts. I'm humiliated to admit that I actually-- however briefly!-- considered buying one.

Fortunately, it's a crappy picture, and since the thought of giving my money to Hot Topic makes my skin crawl on principle, I was saved from my own rabid fangirlishness.


I'm gonna go slash the brothers Salvatore for a while, now.


squee, tv, vampire diaries, fandom, spoilers, meta, pretty boys, tv boyfriends

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