Promos can be sneaky.

Oct 01, 2009 15:29

So I recorded the first two episodes of The Vampire Diaries, strictly because it contained the word vampire, you understand.

I hadn't gotten around to watching the eps before switching to DVRing Flash Forward instead. Last night I was going through my DVR, checking obsessively to make sure that my SPN settings were still good, and I decided to just go ahead and delete those first two episodes of The Vampire Diaries. After all, I still hadn't bothered to watch them, and it was probably just another CW teen soap opera, right?

Yes, but . . . it's a CW teen soap opera with Ian Somerhalder in it.


Obviously, I did not know this. I don't remember any promos showing anyone except that guy who played Lucas Luthor, and some random love-interest chick.


Watching it on the computer is just no comparison. Although frankly? It appears that this will be one of those shows best viewed with the sound set on "mute". Still . . . Ian Somerhalder. That is a pretty, pretty man.

*contemplates the pretty*

That is all.

vampires, tv, you asked for that one, pretty boys, vampire diaries

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