May 08, 2009 13:44

When Dean was arguing with Castiel about swearing himself to the service of the angels, he said, "If I do this, then Sam doesn't have to?"

Why didn't that follow through the episode?

Where is Sam saying to Dean, "It's MY TURN to save YOU, asshole!" or words to that effect. Couldn't there have been a point, even when he was with Bobby in the junkyard, something like asking Bobby to let him go so that he can spare Dean. Or a comment to Ruby, even. I would've bought that.

It's just that . . . when Dean said that to Castiel, everything in me just leapt and shrieked in agreement. They've always been all about each other . . . why should it stop now? I was . . . well, kind of disappointed that the Sam's-a-monster-and-Dean-has-to-hunt-him argument was pretty much given as the sole reason for the split.

And I still think that Castiel has either succumbed to the dark side himself, or has been hoodwinked by some of Uriel's converts. After all, they never found out who else Uriel had convinced to join him-- only that the ones who refused were the ones he killed.

I gotta watch this ep again, do a play-by-play reaction. Mostly, I'm still just squeeing, but there's so much meta-thinking I need to do.

I must percolate.

spoilers, squee, tv, spn, tv boyfriends

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