Feb 09, 2009 12:30

I swiped this from dolimir_k. I'm also swiping her response idea . . . instead of tagging individuals, answer in the comments, k?

I think I came up with the idea to repost in my journal all on my own, though. *grin*

1. What are your online user names?

Redfirecracker, or Redheaded Firecracker

2. What is your gender?


3. What's new in your life right now?

I just had my hair cut and colored. It’s different than how I’ve been wearing it, although not drastic to the unfamiliar eye. Also new eyebrows and I let the aesthetician talk me into waxing my upper lip. That *hurt*!!

4. How many colors are you wearing right now?

Five: ivory, black, hot pink, oatmeal, and denim blue.

5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Extrovert, though I can be shy when I first meet new people.

6. What was the last book you read?

I just started When Towns Had Walls, because I’m trying to get back into the mindset to work on my medieval Clark / Lex story.

7. Do you nap a lot?

Twice a day on the bus during the week, once on Saturday if scheduling allows it, and three times on Sunday if at all possible.

8. If you had one night of passion with someone in the public eye of whom you're a fan, who would you like it to be?

If it’s just one night, and just hot sex, definitely Jensen Ackles. If it might be more than one night, and / or more than just sex, then, Christian Kane. If it’s not going to be sex at all, then Michael Rosenbaum is still at the top of my list, because I think he’d be VASTLY ENTERTAINING.

9. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?

Dessert. Friends. Both together are the best!

10. What's your current obsession?

Fan obsession? Leverage

Personal obsession? Mold

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Depends on the day of the week. Weekdays: 35 - 75 minutes ( depends on if I have to chase the dog around the neighborhood ). Weekends: 120 minutes.

12. What websites do you visit regularly?


13. Do you write fic? What was the last fic you wrote?

Yes. Although apparently, what I’m really good at is writing plotsquirrels. Everything else just kind of dribbles away and never gets finished.

The last fic I updated was the GODDAMMIT-I-*WILL*-FINISH-THIS-SOMEDAY-SGA-EIGHTIES-AU. The last fic I started was . . . okay, I admit it. IstartedwritingaLeverage/SPNcrossoverfic. Shoot me now.

14. What's the last thing you laughed about?

Yesterday, I was watching an episode of Moving Up, and the homeowners were fighting about the value of a flat-screen TV over the fireplace. What made it funny was that she said it was a necessity and he said she was crazy.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

That goofy “I Like To Move It” from the movie Madagascar.

16. What's the last movie you saw?

In a theater - MBV3D FTW!!!

At home - Joe and Max. It was about the relationship between boxers Joe Louis and Max Schmeling, both professionally and personally.

17. Would you enter into a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?

Probably not if I knew for sure he would never leave; I don’t share well. Other than that, if he’s not married / engaged, he’s fair game.

18. What is your favorite chocolate from a box of chocolates?

Dark chocolate butter cream. Or dark chocolate coconut cup. Notice a theme, there?

memes, life

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