Jan 22, 2009 12:04

A little disappointed am I in Leverage 1:8, "The Mile High Job". It gave me a sense that the characters were out of their element, and because of that, I felt the episode lacked cohesion. Also, what was the point with the Genogrow security specialist being on board the plane? Why was he earmarked for liquidation? I get the accountant chick . . . that makes sense. I think I'm missing something and I need to re-watch the ep.

Nate and Sophie are becoming a bit predictable, though. I keep shouting at the screen, "Would you just *fuck* already!"

Of course, I loved Spencer as an air marshal. *snerk*

Message to Christian Kane: No, the fucking idiotic soul patch does NOT make you look badass; it makes you look STUPID. Shave, for God's sake. Also, a long blunt haircut is no one's friend, especially yours. Again with the stupid. CUT YOUR GODDAMN HAIR.

I want to write an SPN / Leverage crossover wherein Spencer tangles with the Winchester brothers over an artifact. I am trying VERY HARD not to start it until I finish something else in my WiPs folder.

Last night I watched Criminal Minds for the first time in eons and enjoyed it immensely. Though I didn't know Mandy Patinkin had left the show and I kept saying, "What is Joe Montegna *doing* here?"

I was rooting for the family of serial killers to escape, but the ending was pretty cool anyway. That other kid, at the very end, though, was FUCKING CREEPY-LOOKING, what with the bug eyes and all.

Anybody else notice that the second girl they swiped was played by the girl who played child-Lilith in SPN "No Rest For The Wicked" and "Yellow Fever"? It must have been SPN-alumni night, because Madison showed up on CSI: NY, also. And I spotted someone else on yet another show, but now I can't remember who it was or what role he played.

I rewatched SPN "Heaven and Hell" and was struck all over again by how silly the sex seemed. Dean has had more chemistry with a CHEESEBURGER than he did with Anna . . . though I do not object whatsoever to the gratuitous shirtlessness. I've always had a thing for shoulders and arms and hands on a guy, and now I can add "Jensen Ackles' naked back" to the list of THINGS THAT TURN ME ON INSTANTLY. Music choice for seduction, though? SERIOUSLY LAME.

I saw some of the stills from My Bloody Valentine recently, and I'm surprised to say that I think Jensen might be working out a bit too much. He's starting to look kind of . . . uneven. You know, out-of-proportion. Awesome under clothes, but a little weird out of them.

Still, the pretty kind of makes up for it.

And I also saw an episode of Bones, which I ( surprisingly ) enjoyed. I'd watched the pilot when it premiered, been vastly disappointed, and never bothered with it again. But this episode was funny and snarky and quite entertaining! Amanda has the whole series on DVD, so I might borrow it from her and get caught up.

Just what I need, another show to follow. GODDAMMIT.

My supervisor just informed me that the latest issue of TV Guide says that this is the final season for Prison Break. This is most disappointing! Still, TV Guide has been known to be wrong, and I can certainly understand that the writers may have milked the concept for all it's worth.

I will miss my Monday-night eye candy, though. *sighs*

Seems like that's it for now! I'm sure I'll think of more to say, as soon as I hit POST.

rabid plotsquirrels, tv, christian kane needs a makeover, spn, fic, pretty boys, tv boyfriends, writing, leverage

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