No, I didn't go to the movies.

Jan 19, 2009 21:30


I promised Amanda that I would go with her to see Jared's movie if she would come with me to see Jensen's, but then she had to fly today and so we only had time for lunch. *pouts*

It was a medical flight, though, so kind of important. I think that bitching about missing my movie because SOMEONE NEEDED A NEW LIVER is probably some kind of express ticket to hell. But I was still horribly disappointed, because as you all know, I am all about the Ackles and I CANNOT BARELY WAIT to see him in all of his three-D, big-screen glory.

I hope he's the bad guy! That will just TOTALLY MAKE MY DAY.

On SPN 4:11 . . . I love my show, but I think that the dog death in the beginning of the ep really put me off. I had trouble getting invested in the plot afterwards, and even though Dean was very very pretty ( as usual, thank you very much ), I ended up feeling like the whole point of the episode was for Dean to have that heart-to-heart with Sam at the end.

And of course, as soon as he started talking, I said to the dog, "Haven't I read this fanfic already?" About ten times over, too?

Also, I never thought I'd say this, but there was not enough of Sam in the episode. Specifically, there was not enough interaction between the brothers. I get that they need to advance the season's plot arc, but I'm starting to really miss seeing the way the boys relate to each other. Even "Ghostfacers", despite being a throwaway episode in terms of plot advancement, still gave us a lot of Sam-n-Dean together. I'm feeling a distance between them that I didn't think would be a point that the writers would be trying to make.

I am curious, though, to find out if Dean believes himself to be innately evil, now, and if so . . . how will that relate to his perception of Sam's growing evil-ness?

Well . . . "evil" for a set definition of the term. So far, Dean's just taking Castiel's word for it. When is he going to really start questioning that? Dean's not stupid . . . is he just so lost in his own pain and memories, and so desperate for answers, that he just accepts the first person who comes along and tells him what to do? Does Daddy's good little soldier miss his father that much?


I really am looking forward to seeing what they do with the rest of the season!!!

squee, tv, spn, meta, tv boyfriends

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