Dec 24, 2008 14:40

....... or maybe that's just Eliot. Huh.

But seriously, this show is fucking funny. I just rewatched The Two-Horse Job and most of The Miracle Job . . . my love for these episodes HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIAN KANE.

Really. Honest.

You don't actually believe me, do you?


You know what's weird? Usually when I have sex dreams about someone from tv that I'm crushing on, it's about the character. Christian Kane is the only actor that I dream about persistently.

Last night it had something to do with . . . you know, I have no idea. All I remember is that he used up almost all the hot water and I had to wash my hair in cold, so when I came out of the bathroom all wrapped up in my warm and fuzzy chenille robe, I climbed up onto his lap and dripped cold water onto his face, wringing it out of my hair as he laughed and batted at my hands.

And then for some reason, he wanted to order Pizza Hut, which completely baffles me. Pizza has no place in a sex dream!

Well, maybe after the sex is finished. Then pizza is good.

Dammit, now I'm hungry.

Hm, I don't really remember what else happened in the dream. Something about sleek black leather chairs and my purple penguin pajamas. DO NOT JUDGE.

I'm the only person I know who can turn a sexy furniture dream into flannel pajamas and pizza.


Oh well. Better luck next dream.


dreams, fandom, holidays, squee, tv boyfriends, pretty boys, leverage

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