Dec 10, 2008 16:49

So we're all watching Leverage, right?

I watched both episodes last night and I'm enjoying it so far. It very much seems like a show that is not taking itself too seriously, which I like A LOT.

Case in point: the scene in the second episode, where the crew is gathered 'round the table watching the video, and Spencer IDs the guns being used just from the sounds as they're being fired.

Parker: You got all that just from the sound?

Spencer: ( defensively ) It's a very distinctive sound.

How many times have we all watched a show wherein a character possesses inexplicable knowledge about something particularly arcane without even lip service paid to the concept of backstory to justify it? Angel: The Series was, I thought, particularly guilty of that sin, especially when it came to Fred's character, and it was part of the reason I stopped watching the show.

I got the feeling last night that Leverage wasn't just putting its tongue in cheek, it was sticking its tongue out and mugging furiously.

I think that's fucking awesome!

Okay, and the fact that Christian Kane is playing the muscle has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my fondness for the show. Nothing at all. Move along now.

I lie like a RUG.

Watching him fight was awesome. Previews for next week showing him in glasses? Do not hurt the sexy at all. Please, please, please . . . give him a swordfight and I will spontaneously combust!!! Or let him sing . . . I WOULD SO HIT THAT.

Yeah, like y'all didn't know that.

Also, the slash is WRITING ITSELF. Spencer / Hardison FTW!!!

tv, tv boyfriends, leverage

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