Can't resist a good meme.

Dec 02, 2008 17:06

How much do my poetry skills suck that this meme makes a better poem that anything I've ever written in my life? Epic fail, man. EPIC.

Gakked from scribblinlenore.

The "Be Pete Wentz" Poetry Meme

01. Put your music player on shuffle
02. The first lines of twenty songs = a poem; the first line of the twenty-first song is the title

Right Here, Right Now

Feel the speed through the intersection
It gets wetter and when spring rolls along
Hey baby, I'd like to talk to you
Well I'll be damned
Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine

While he was schemin'
( You are my fire, my one desire )
I won't share you
Well I tried to make it Sunday but I got so damn depressed
People just ain't no good, I think that's well understood

Day after day, I will walk, and I will play
Save some face, you know you've only got one
Baby, baby, it looks like it's gonna hail
If the sun refused to shine, I don't mind
I love myself

The devil went down to Georgia
No love tonight
She moves like she don't care
Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach
It seems so obvious

music, memes, lyrics, epic fail

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