Oct 09, 2008 11:00

Guys . . . a word?

If you're planning on asking out a woman, don't tell her that you don't like to plan ahead, you're just thinking that if you're bored, and she's bored, maybe the two of you could be bored together some night and she could cook dinner for you.

Because really, that is NOT the RESOUNDING TESTIMONIAL to her desirability that you might think it is.

Nor is it A STELLAR EXAMPLE of your sense of humor.

Just a tip, k?

Yeah, I actually did just have this IM convo last night with some guy I've been chatting with off and on for two months.

Look, I'm not a gold-digger, but I expect that I won't be dating any gold-diggers, either. I did my time supporting starving artists, and I have reached the point of my life ( took me long enough! ) where I have a sufficiently high self-esteem that if a guy doesn't WANT to spend five lousy bucks to take me out for coffee, then I don't want to spend my time with him.

Personally, I don't think that setting my sights on FUCKING STARBUCKS is too much to ask . . . but perhaps I'm being unreasonable. Y'all would tell me if I were, wouldn't you?

Anyway, if you're curious, I told him that when he was ready to man up and ask me out on an actual date, to let me know. Because, I said pointedly, I spend time with people because I like them and want to get to know them better, not because I'm bored and I was really hoping that something better would come along.

why i shouldn't date, stupid people shouldn't breathe, boys, life

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