Sep 19, 2008 17:11

OMG DEAN!!!!!!!!!

I'm not claustrophobic, but I can't even imagine how much it sucks to be stuck in a tiny box like that. I know they have nifty filming tricks to make it happen, but props to Jensen to getting through that scene. As anyone who has ever been buried on a beach can tell you, it is really hard to crawl out of dirt. However . . . rip off Buffy, much? This was waaaaaaaay too similar for my liking.

What's up with the trees? Looks like someone spiked the football! Heh, Dean's soul is a football. Ooh, if you think of it as a spiritual sort of spiking, then what kind of entity would have that kind of power?

Jensen is bowlegged and I swear, I think it's the cutest thing. I don't know why I think that, considering it's just the result of a nutritional deficiency in childhood. I'm knock-kneed and nobody seems to think that's cute.

Why is this gas station unmanned at what seems to be a perfectly reasonable hour of the day? Just a plot device? Eh, chow down, Dean. I'd be hungry, too. Oh, God, Dean's naked chest, I'm gonna spontaneously combust! And look, the edge of his tattoo! Blistered handprint? Ow, that hurt. Hm, electrical malfunctions, yeah, grab the salt. But the high-pitched frequency and the busted glass are often associated with angelic manifestations. We've seen a lot of demons in the last three seasons-- are we getting into angels, now, too?

Bobby's not just been hitting the drink, he's been buying stock in Just For Men Beard Gel. I liked the gray in his hair better. Jensen is so pretty when he's wet, it makes me glad that Bobby threw holy water in his face.

Oh, good. I was wondering about the explanation for the presence of Dean's physical body.

Hey, I wonder if that chick is Ruby in a new body? I just can't see Sam becoming sufficiently Dean-like to start banging an endless parade of skanks. I see him more as withdrawing from the world and from all human contact . . . even of the fleeting, sexual sort. Oh, look at the way they're just staring at each other. I love Sam's little hyperventilation there. I'm actually sniffing over the hugging. Awwwwwww.

Why is that chick in her underwear and Sam is fully dressed? That's . . . a little odd.

Sam: "I *tried* to bargain, Dean, but no *demon* would deal!" Interesting emphasis on the word 'demon', there, isn't it? I wonder if that means he tried to deal with other entities, too?

I loved Bobby asking Sam, "Who do you think you are, your old man?" Heh. I thought the same thing!

Why does Sam say 'anyways' but Dean says 'anyway'? Aside from the fact that the first one annoys the FUCKING HELL out of me, I'd think they would talk the same. Unless it's a California thing?


Dean: "What the hell is that?"

Sam: "That's an iPod jack."

Dean: "You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up."


And I loved Sam's little 'innocent puppy' shrug over the music.

I'm not sure that I believe Sam's protestations of psychic innocence. Something doesn't feel right about his denials. I can't believe that, with Dean dead and gone, Sam would give up what could be a powerful tool in any quest for vengeance-- dying wish or no.

Pamela is too damn skinny.

Okay, burned-out eyeballs? SO Raiders of the Lost Ark. And does that mean that this is the power of God we're dealing with?

I think the actress playing the waitress SUCKS. God, talk about wooden. Whoa, Dean controls Sam with hand commands? Way cool. "I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." Not fair! I say that all the time!!! Somebody stole my line!

Mirrored ceiling? Heh. Say no more. Is that Dean's ear bleeding, or just his hand? Busted eardrum or cuts from broken glass?

They're both lying to each other. Not good, boys, not good at all. Why do I get the feeling that Sam is hiding a lot more than just what he's been up to for the last four months? Jared, close your fucking fist, you hit somebody like that and you're going to break your thumb. Oh, yeah, there it is. He's been working the psychic shit after all, hasn't he? Interesting that he's using similar gestures and mannerisms to the kind that Lilith used. Does that mean the power comes from the same place? It's demonic?

Whoa! I was right! That chick is Ruby! Yeah, so, what was she doing in Sam's room in her undies, huh? And, wow, has Sam been lying his ASS off to Dean or what?

Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrre's Johnny!


I also could've told you that Dean lost his Faith a long, long time ago.

Special people can handle the true sight and sound of angels? So more emphasis on Dean's non-special-ness. I believe I see an anvil getting ready to exit the TV screen. Angels can possess humans, just like demons can, huh. Only it sounds like they ask for permission, first.

I love how Castiel seems honestly puzzled at Dean's disbelief. Like he can't even comprehend that Dean isn't just immediately accepting everything Castiel is saying. Yes, Dean, why *would* an angel rescue you from hell? I guess even the Heavenly Host thinks you're just too pretty to be allowed to rot.

And there's the anvil, right on schedule!!!

So, let's see . . . we spent all last season with Sam, the Boy King of Hell, the Anti-Christ. And now we find that Dean is the Chosen of God, the new . . . Messiah? Oof. Yep, that's a mighty heavy anvil. Secondary anvil: brother against brother. Tertiary anvil: demon!powers against humanity?

I do like how this heavenly rescue plays into my ideas of grace from last season's finale: Dean may have free will, but he is going to receive God's grace whether he wants it or not, thinks he deserves it or not. Because the decision of who is saved, who is *worthy* to be saved, isn't up to us; only God can make that call.

Still and all . . . I am seriously looking forward to the development of this plot arc throughout the season, anvils or no anvils. And three cheers for more of the pretty! I didn't think Jensen could look any more beautiful, but clearly, living with Jared agrees with him. *snerk*

And that is why I don't do meta, folks. It invariably dissolves into tangents and I end up just squeeing madly.

spoilers, squee, tv, spn, meta, tv boyfriends, pretty boys

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