HELLO WORLD! Or, The State of the Squirrel.

Aug 29, 2008 13:11

Hey there, LJ-peoples!

So I've been gone for awhile, obviously, what with all the house-craziness and the packing-craziness and the moving-craziness. Oh, and then it turned out that the new house developed a MOLD PROBLEM, so for the last six weeks I've been SLOWLY MILDEWING TO DEATH, but otherwise? I'm doing pretty well, I suppose.

Fortunately, the mold issue is mostly resolved, and I will be continuing to de-moldify the house this weekend.

Housewarming party at the end of September, yay!

The dog had some vet issues, also mostly resolved now, thankfully. She's doing much better and the new vet is utterly and completely awesome. I don't get the feeling ( like I had at my last vet ) that they were all about how much money they could siphon out of me. In fact, the new vet took pains to offer various price options and even suggested OTC remedies for some of Yueng's ailments.

So what's been up with you all this summer? Inquiring minds want to know. And skip=500 only takes me so far.

moving is hell, house, life, dog

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