ROUND-UP! Mostly good news!

Jun 06, 2008 13:41

Finally, after A WEEK AND A HALF OF THIS STUPIDITY, I am the proud owner of a prescription for Wellbutrin. Fuckers. My doctor was awesome and jumped through INNUMERABLE HOOPS OF RETARDEDNESS in order to effect this result.

We have achieved the down payment on the house! Now it's just a matter of documenting out the wazoo. Not only do I have to sign a letter averring that the money is a gift to my dad, but I also have to prove that my bank account is really mine, by providing photocopies of all the paperwork I signed when I opened it, and also, a voided check that ( get this! ) must be preprinted with my name and address. WTF. So now I am paying over sixty dollars to have printed checks rush-mailed to me. Kristin tells me that all this nonsense is a result of the collapse of the subprime market, which I suppose makes sense . . . in a really annoying, bean-counting kind of way.


PACKRAT loading day is the weekend of June 21 - 22. *shudders*

Did I ever mention that I got Sherman back after a month in the shop? He has a new engine and new tires. 3k is still cheaper than buying a new car, especially with the house purchase. And I wasn't ready to give up my boy just yet, anyway.

Yes, it's a boy car. Yes, my car has a name. Yes, my car wears leopard interior accessories. So my car is totally a gay boy. WHAT.

Hm. I'm seriously hungry, now. Off to grab lunch!

depression, moving is hell, life

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