I'm not packed yet. Moving day is April 26. Dammit all.
It's too hot in the office and it smells like pickled dead things from the paint and God knows what-all else. This makes my allergies go crazy, and *that* makes for a cranky squirrel.
So a couple of weeks ago, I posted two sets of favorite movie quotes and challenged you all to figure out the originating flicks. Dunno if anybody cares, but....... here are the answers:
1.a. You will wear a jacket, shirt, and tie. If you don't have one, buy one. Can't afford one, borrow one from your old man. If you don't have an old man, then find a drunk, and trade him for his. 'Cause I guarantee you there isn't a bum on the street that looks as raggedy and ridiculous as what I'm looking at right now!
b. I don't scratch my head 'less it itches and I don't dance 'less I hear some music. I will *not* be intimidated. That's just the way it is.
Remember The Titans
2.a. You *hired* me. I can't help that your standards are lax.
b. My story? It's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew... my commission... and my life.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
BTW, those lines are spoken by Commodore James Norrington, in case you're wondering. Yes, I'm seriously hot for him. What, you're not? More for me, then.
3.a. Let's put it this way . . . I fought for the South. We *lost*.
b. Normal folks, they don’t spit out bullets after you shoot ‘em!
Near Dark
4.a. That document makes you a citizen, and this one makes you a private in the Union army. Now get out there and serve your country.
b. It's a funny feeling, being taken under the wing of a dragon. It's warmer than you'd think.
Gangs of New York
5.a. Everyone you've ever known- everyone you've ever *fucking* loved- it won't matter who's pureblood and who's not. How are you gonna cure the whole *fucking*world?
b. We should be ruling the humans, not running around making back-alley treaties with them. For fuck’s sake, these people are our *food*, not our allies!
Deacon Frost. Very hot.
6.a. No, not *is*. You wouldn’t get very far in life, not saying “is”, now would you?
b. Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - from LJ,
lucifrix; from IJ,
kuwamiko 7.a. This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off, waiting to worship a rat!
b. I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster and drank pina coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. *That* was a pretty good day.
Groundhog Day - LJ,
dontyouwaitup; IJ,
amygreeneyes 8.a. Nobody has control over life and death, unless they're taking life, causing death.
b. But beware the risk of cheating the plan, disrespecting the design . .. it could initiate a horrifying fury that would terrorize even the Grim Reaper-and you don't *even* want to fuck with that MacDaddy.
Final Destination
9.a. Great. A guy shows up looking like a mime from hell and you lose him right out in the open. Well, at least he didn't do that “walking against the wind” shit; I hate that.
b. I feel like a little worm on a big fucking hook!
The Crow - LJ,
kyanoswolf; IJ,
kuwamiko 10.a. When I wake in the country, I dream of being in London. When I get here, it's full of people like you.
b. Bit of a waste shooting good jism up the lawful.
The Libertine
11.a. In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a red dress!
b. Y'know, you got them bad eyes, like a gypsy, and I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday. Bad luck! That's what it is. Is that all I'mever gonna have? I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago!
12.a. Paints a different view of Revelations. Says the world will not end by God's hand, but be reborn in the embrace of the damned. Though if you ask me, fire's fire.
b. God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything.
13.a. Y'know, this was supposed to be my weekend off, but noooo. You got me out here draggin' your heavy ass through the burnin' desert with your dreadlocks stickin' out the back of my parachute. You gotta come down here with an attitude, actin' all big and bad-and what the hell is that smell?
b. If you're so smart, tell me something . . . how come you go to MIT for eight years to become a cable repairman?
Independence Day - LJ,
kyanoswolf; IJ,
kuwamiko 14.a. This house is pissed. It has no morals. The house doesn't care what's fair, who lives or dies. Know why? Cause it's a fucking *house*!
b. I am so fucking far from 'all right' that it’s not even funny! Someone or something just tried to drown me in a tank of blood the size of a Buick!
The House on Haunted Hill (remake)
15.a. Madam, for you I missed my wedding for the first time in years-that’s how much I want you. Sure, I know I'm a ghost and a murderer, but forget about all that.
b. Now that I'm dead, I though I'd let you know. You're as cold as a penguin on an iceberg. You're a dwarf. Yeah, clean those choppers so you can chew up the next jerk that comes along.
High Spirits - IJ,