That meme thing. *handwaves*

Jan 08, 2008 08:56

The Rules:

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

My questions, from algernon_mouse:

1. Ever had a day you felt like you couldn't wake up from? When was it?

OMG. Every fucking day that I have to go to work. More seriously, I think it would have to be the day after the night I had my beloved companion dog put to sleep. I bawled myself into hysterics and out the other side into a migraine, and from there into a near-coma. I just kept wishing for it all to be over.

2. Toasting marshmallows: burn 'em up or easy does it? Gentle, even browning. Just lightly toasted. When we were growing up, my brother loved to set them on fire and then beat out the flames against the sidewalk. I should have known then that he was a fucking psycho.

3. What smell reminds you of home? Um, this is embarrassing, but . . . mildew. *coughs* Oh, that's my parents' house. My own home-scent is more like . . . well, *dog*. We had a perpetual water problem in the basement, and therefore, a pervasive scent of mildew everywhere, overlaid with the smell of dust and paper. Add in the aroma of my Aussie Sprunch Spray and my brother's Eternity for Men, and that about does it.

4. How short are you? Heh. Five feet even. But I'm pretty sure you knew that. I stopped growing when I was thirteen. Except for sideways.

5. Where would you like to take off to for a week? My God, the possibilities are endless. But actually, I'd kinda like to come visit you, Mouse. *makes note to get passport* I'd also love to go to Vermont or Tahiti, Ireland and New Zealand, Seattle and Los Angeles. Most of those would probably require more than a week's time to truly appreciate.


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