Dec 11, 2007 13:57

Wow, this is my first time. Such fun! Thanks, algernon_mouse!

The first time Yuri Loginova met Nikolai Ginovaeff, he had to listen to him bitching like a woman for hours about the name stitched on his uniform.

“It should be Zinoviev,” Nikolai said again. “This is what happens when damned weakling Westerners are allowed to make the decisions that should be made by real men, real Russians.”

Yuri rolled his eyes and pretended to tighten the straps on his tactical vest. Nikolai was from Moscow and they always thought they were better than everybody else.

One look at those fox-canted eyes and that red hair told Yuri there was Georgian blood in Nikolai somewhere, probably straight down the wrong side of the blanket from some Tatar barbarian.

Yuri came from Leningrad, or St. Petersburg as the old-timers still called it and as it was now called again today. His family was old guard White Russians with a talent for turning their coats as needed to survive. Yuri had grown up with money, prestige, and power aplenty, with no need to lower himself to whining complaints about petty matters.

“Shut your mouth,” he said finally, weary of the noise. “You moan like a whore taking too much cock.” Yuri was Spetsnaz-trained, and he held no fear of the reaction of some jumped-up Muscovite street thug to his deliberate insult.



i ficced, fic, tigs

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