Aug 22, 2007 09:45

So I had this huge story planned out for reel_spn. It was going to be really awesome, too.

Then I realized that it was due today!

8,218 / 75,000

So I chopped up three or four completed scenes, did my best to link them together into something vaguely resembling a cohesive unit, and that's gonna be what's posted. AND IT IS GOING TO SUCK ROYALLY.

*mourns for cannibalized story*

Well, I guess this goes on the ever-growing list of WIPs I have: "Sucky priest!Dean fic", along with "DEAR GOD NOT HOOKERFIC", and "YES GODDAMMIT I *WILL* FINISH THE SGA EIGHTIES AU SOMEDAY".

I have eight more hours. Maybe I can magically make it suck less.

spn, reel_spn, fic, lessons learned the hard way

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