snippeting away . . . .

Sep 13, 2006 12:10

So, I'm curious . . . what do you guys think is going on here? I know what I have planned and what my backstory is, but I love to hear what other people are expecting to happen based on what they've seen so far.

You know . . . considering that I TOTALLY JOSSED MYSELF in the opening sentence, and everything.


During their seventeenth session, Heightmeyer doesn’t speak at all, but when Rodney reduces himself to raw, nearly hysterical sobs, she sits beside him and strokes his heaving shoulders.

His knees don’t want to work properly for days afterward, stiff from hours kneeling on the cold metal floors of Atlantis, and there’s a rash on his face where he’d rubbed too hard into the rough tweed of the sofa cushions.

Rodney is embarrassed at his breakdown, but when he appears the next morning as scheduled, Kate smiles at him, and he thinks that maybe it will be okay.

Of course, later that day, he passes Lorne in the hallway and doesn’t move out of the way fast enough.

If anybody were to ask, Rodney could honestly say that he collected the bumps, scrapes and bruises from falling down a flight of stairs.


rodney after, fic, sga

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