More fic.

Sep 12, 2006 16:16

Goddamn muses and their tempting tattoos. I'm trying to work, here!


Rodney starts out by believing, deep in his secret heart, that Heightmeyer will actually have a few pithy things to say to him, possibly accompanied by some prescription antidepressants, and that he will be able to function normally again.

He’s not prepared for just how damn *hard* this is.

Rodney eats less, sleeps less, and works more than he ever has in his life. He’s lost weight, there are bags under his eyes like his grandmother’s luggage, and his hairline has receded at least another inch.

He downloads somebody’s tai chi DVDs off the Atlantis main server and finds a deserted balcony in the eastern tower to practice.

If he’s going to be awake every day to see the dawn, he might as well be doing something with himself, and the soft repetition of movements and patterns clears his mind, making it a little easier to concentrate on his work, that later, he’ll have to force himself to perform.

It must be working, because Rodney hasn’t thought about putting his fist through a laptop screen or somebody’s face in weeks.

He thinks that maybe he’ll try taking up yoga, too.

It’s not like he can continue his training with Teyla or the Marines any more, after all.


i ficced, rodney after, fic, sga

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