SQUEEEEEE! and Medieval CLex (as if anyone even *remembers* that story)

Aug 30, 2005 18:13

Hey there! I found something that kicked my ass into posting! Go me!

If you are *not* watching Prison Break, you should reschedule your life as needed in order to see the encore premiere on Thursday night.

I could almost watch it with my eyes closed, just to listen to Wentworth Miller's incredible voice . . . almost. But the face that goes with that voice is just too damn pretty to miss out on seeing.

Mmmmmm. Shiny new fandom. Yessssssssss.

This is not a terribly realistic view of prison, from what I understand. I say, if you want realism, go watch Oz.

This is just hot, dirty, brothercest slash-in-the-making and oh, just kill me now, because I just keep crossing these lines into ever-more-perverted stuff!

And speaking of perversions, who is going to point me to the Sean / Kyle blowjob fic? Because I *know* it's out there somewhere, I damn well wasn't the only one watching Kyle on his knees, mouth open and panting for it as Sean gripped his head and drove as hard as he could . . . .

Ahem. Yes. So. Send me links, most beloved of friendslists!

It figures. The only ep I've ever seen, and the *finale* is the one that's giving me wet dreams.


Lately, I've noticed that the current fashion in Hollywood seems to be towards beautiful boys ( of varying ages ), with sloe eyes and cocksucking lips. The all look like they should be working in brothels.

I heartily approve, and pray the trend continues. *evil grin*

In other matters, I'm back to to pecking at Medieval CLex. To those of you who are writers . . . what do you find to be the most effective method to get your head into a story that you need to write? This story has become so huge that as I re-read it and try to figure out where to go, I just can't put myself back into it. I can't remember my outline of the story . . . and no, before you ask -- I didn't make notes like a sensible critter.

So? Ideas? Suggestions? Hell, prompt me even.

If you'd like, you can email me privately at redheaded underscore firecracker zero one at yahoo dot com, or ping me on Yahoo Messenger at the same handle, for further discussion. I would greatly appreciate it.

Because I need help, people. More than the the usual sort, so you can quit your snickering . . . .

*eyes back row of theater darkly*

Sigh. I'm just stumped. I look at all that I have written so far, and I like it, but I have no idea where I was going with it. It's like this horribly orphaned story or something. I wasn't using anything as a template, so it's not like I can grab a novel I was reading and check to see what its protagonists did next or anything.

Which I wouldn't, anyway, because that feels sort of like plagiarism.

Anyway, I have until September 26 to get back on that horse ( or should I say 'that mule'? ) of this story. Because classes start again on that date, and I want to be finished, or nearly so, before I have to put all my free time into friggin' school again.

*makes big, pitiful anime eyes*

Please help!

medieval clex, squee, tv, prison break

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