(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 13:40

I am delighted to announce that last night's castoffs from BOTH of my 'guilty pleasure' shows were the people who I have been wanting to see get booted since about eight o'clock, day one!

Clearly, it takes very little to make my day, any more.

I should be ashamed of myself, but I admit it. I should be shot for watching this. And this is even worse.

But you know what the really, truly, AWFUL part is?

I'm being molested by plot bunnies. I'm not sure if I even want to know if there's an archive yet for slash fic involving the casts of Kept ... or Stripsearch.

Slash has completely eroded my personal boundaries. Male/male erotic fiction? Sure, no problem, I'm there -- hardly took any coaxing at all. RPS? No fucking way. And then hackthis started writing all sorts of RPS slash and of course, I couldn't very well NOT read it, could I?

*glares* All. Your. Fault, Z. I hate you.

In, you know... a good way.

Non-con was a big squick for me, but I was dragged kicking and screaming to several good stories and although they don't exactly light my burners, I can appreciate a well-written tale.

But the ONE squick that I thought I'd always have is now... well. Let's just say that I've been reading Numb3rs brothercest fic. *whimpers*

Kill me. Kill me now.

My shame knows no bounds.

my shame knows no bounds, tv, fic, epic fail

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