(no subject)

May 25, 2005 11:13

Sometimes I really, truly, *hate* the people I have to work with.

Would you ever *dream* of just marching into somebody's office and helping yourself to the contents of a box of mini-brownies, without even asking one of the office's occupants?

The brownies were not sitting in front of the coffeepot, where community treats are usually found.

They were on a wheeled cart in front of someone's desk.

Now, that's just plain rude.

I wish that I had realized what was going on, but I didn't recognize the sound of the box opening until the culprit had his hands full already. And I still can't believe that he didn't say ANYTHING!!

Not even to pass a comment to the effect of, "Oh, look. Brownies!"

To which I could have responded, "Yes, they're for Lynda. Please back away slowly and don't make any sudden movements."

No, he just skulked over there and sneaked a handful and then departed without saying thank you.

You'd think that a European gentleman of a certain age would have better manners, wouldn't you?



Oh, yeah. This is the guy who thinks making coffee is women's work, so obviously he now feels that it is incumbent upon us to provide him with snacks at will, as well.



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