Very belated French and Hungarian Grand Prix thoughts

Aug 08, 2022 20:29

The thoughts are belated not just because Ferrari have depressed me, they are also late because I have been busily watching events live at the Commonwealth Games.

If you do ever get the chance to watch anything like that (the Olympics, World Championships, anything like that) grab it with every hand available, it's such a fun experience.

French Grand Prix

Despite the engine penalty, and the pitstop screw up, Sainz jnr did well, as well as he could have done. To beat the two Red Bulls, things need to go well, and I think the 5 second penalty meant that neither Mercedes could be caught. Sainz jnr gets a cookie, because none of this is his fault.

I'm not even going to talk about Leclerc because if I did, I would have to give him a card, and I do not want to.

Hungarian Grand Prix

Which I missed, between the Commonwealth Games hockey, eating some excellent food and then desperately trying to find somewhere to wait for trains that wasn't showing the Women's Euro 2022 final so I didn't accidentally bring them bad luck.

All I knew about the Grand Prix was L occasionally looking at his watch and wincing. And L isn't even a Ferrari fan (I have tried to bring him to the one true faith but he resists).

I cannot sum up the problem any better than the last 20 seconds of this video

image Click to view

Ferrari strategy is so bad that our rivals are laughing at us.


It is so bad that I am bringing back the bingo card.

You'll note some of the squares have been updated for this year. The feelings behind it haven't been. How are one team so consistently bad at the basics?

Part of the reason I am being quite so hysterical about this season's failures is because they gave me hope this year. For the first time in years, Ferrari have managed to produce a good car. One of the two other teams who have recently vied for titles has a car that's only as good as the Ferrari, not miles better, and the other great rival are having an off season. That's unlikely to happen again, particularly with engine regulations remaining fixed till 2024.

Mercedes will be better again next year, Ferrari, you have to use this opportunity while you have it!

sport, rl, formula 1

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