You'll notice that these started in December.
My 2021 post with the most engagement is easy to spot, it was me posting this video:
Click to view
Everyone loves ABBA.
Now, the reason for the delay is that, at the time, I couldn't quite do my yearly round up of the Tumblr porn-detecting bot's failures, because well, it didn't seem to have had any. I'd flagged 39 pornbots but hadn't had any posts flagged.
Then I found out that was because it was only letting me see the flagged posts on mobile (oh Tumblr, you and your terrible code).
Four posts were flagged and were immediately appealable (and were successfully appealed). They were:
Tiles of Tynemouth Priory - League Quarterfinalists - diver - decathlete - Anyone else detecting an anti-Canadian pattern?
There were also some others that weren't directly appealable but I appealed them anyway. Because tumblr are *so good* at consistency, about half have been completely rejected without further examination because they just can't reinstate them while the other half have been accepted because they're completely safe for work.
Barettes! - Grieg as Malvi(o)a. Not actually NSFW despite well, okay not actually NSFW unless we count the libidinal urges of certain WLW (of whom I admit to being one) - of the Italian Spring Classics from 2019 - in Batman returns gifset - actor, putatively Josh Bowman - topless but not against alleged regs - Mormont - of a cat meeting a genie, finishing with gif of cat being brushed. - the Vampire slayer gif set - Rickman in Les Liaisons Dangereuses, which is not actually NSFW by the rules - The 13 unaccepted appeals are as follows:
Medieval bird pictures
A Willow from Buffy photo set, yes, she and Tara are in bed but they're completely covered
Queen Latifah next to the Empire State Building
Ladies of DS9 gifset
Maherhsala Ali Calvin Klein ad - see previous
Welsh tourism board poster
The Hannibal banana post
A Viola Davis photo shoot
Lego Batman gifset
A baby Blacktip Reef Shark
Brian Bendis doing awesome things
Baby fruit bat
Statues of horses
Statue of Lions
The animals continue to be the ones that disturb me the most.