Going sideways with this answer.
So when I was in either year 3 or 4 (first or second year juniors), they encouraged us to bring in an example of music we liked. Of course, at age 7-8, this was all really stuff our parents liked because we hadn't had chance to be exposed to much else (mine was undoubtedly something by
Jimmy Shand).
One of the other girls in my year brought in a recording of "Wake Up Little Suzie" by the Everly Brothers. For whatever reason, that's the one that stuck. I hear it and wham!, I am straight back in that classroom.
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Day 1 - A song you like with a colour in the titleDay 2 - A song you like with a number in the titleDay 3 - A song that reminds you of summerDay 4 - A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget aboutDay 5 - A song that needs to be played LOUDDay 6 - A song that makes you want to danceDay 7 - A song to drive toDay 8 - A song about drugs or alcoholDay 9 - A song that makes you happyDay 10 - A song that makes you sadDay 11 - A song that you never get tired of12.A song from your pre-teen years
13.One of your favorite 70's songs
14.A song that you would love played at your wedding
15.A song that is a cover by another artist
16.One of your favorite classical songs
17.A song that you would sing as a duet on karaoke
18.A song from the year you were born
19.A song that makes you think about life
20.A song that has many meanings for you
21.A favorite song with a person's name in the title
22.A song that moves you forward
23.A song you think everybody should listen to
24.A song by a band you wish were still together
25.A song by an artist no longer living
26.A song that makes you want to fall in love
27.A song that breaks your heart
28.A song by an artist with a voice you love
29.A song you remember from your childhood
30.A song that reminds you of yourself