Apr 01, 2021 20:26
With the end of the year of COVID hopefully in sight, the thing that interests me is how quickly *the* COVID narrative is being written. And, as per usual, my experiences bear no resemblance to the general narrative. I think the most fun experience was at work, when someone was saying how relaxing furlough had been. Unfortunately, the other two people on the call were myself and R, who worked straight through. R has been having to work ridiculous overtime to cope with having few colleagues. The remark did not go down well.
I'm not going to complain, it definitely prevented me having any money worries, and probably prevented several mental health wobbles, but yeah, my experiences are not everyone's.
It's also "fun" when people talk about fitness during COVID. You can't half tell that most of them don't live in a first floor flat. Even if I didn't know my downstairs neighbour is a nurse who works odd hours and therefore sleeps odd hours, she is a lovely lady and doesn't need to hear me crashing and banging. So, no I have been unable to do any of the fun keep fit things (and running is no fun).