Impact 7th February

Mar 14, 2020 16:35

All hail the Diamond Queen!
We finally have a female World Champion!

Dear Ace Austin, what is that outfit? Did you skin Luster for his pelt?!
I love exactly how scummy Reno Scum are.

On the one hand, Eddie Edwards is the only person who can get me to watch a Michael Elgin match. On the other hand, I don't want to watch Eddie Edwards get horribly beat up for several weeks in a row.

TJP vs Vikingo is just ....!!!! In a very sensible decision, Impact have uploaded the highlights of the match here -

Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary are just the most fun.

When I say I shriek when I fence, that noise Suzie makes sounds horribly familiar.
Dear horror knockouts, last time we went backstage at this venue, people got hanged.
(Okay, while I did not like the original hanging, but this is a good way to bring the story full circle. Mad. But good.)

Don Callis is once again glorious on the topic of OVE - "These three without Callihan - where is he anyway? - ... I don't know. Dave Crist is the smart one and that's terrifying."
Note, I can follow the crowd insults this time!


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