Jul 29, 2014 22:28
Because HMV had a foreign films sale, I managed to get Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Oldboy and Lady Vengeance for £7.99 ($13.55/ 14.41 AusD). Which is totally for the win because 1 - I <3 Park Chan-wook's directing and 2) Lady Vengeance is his best film. I would recommend it thorough, with the caveat of read the warnings.
On top of that, while I was on Amazon looking to buy 'Rewind The Film' and 'Futurology', I spotted Rome, seasons 1 & 2, on sale for £17 ($29/ 31 AusD), so I snapped that up, because that's been £60 within the last two years and therefore totally counts as a bargain.
That was about it as far as successful shopping missions go. It turns out I didn't need a new phone, I'd just accidentally blocked my Mum's phone (which I will hear the end of some time after doomsday), Next hadn't shipped the dress I wanted to try on to all their shops yet and I still can't fit into a size 14. Actually, it's possible that my waist can but my thighs definitely can't so I am left with the fencer's problem of trying to find nice belts because our waists and thighs are out of proportion. That or menswear and I suspect New Look are having a sale ...
bloody technology,