OOC: Clarifying

Jun 04, 2006 17:05

There's a bit of confusion about the apartments, so I figured I'd try to address it with a big housekeeping post. It helps me keep everything straight, too.

Claire's original building is on Earth-616, in Manhattan, on East 51st Street. It's a six-story tenement building with old pipes; each apartment has two small bedrooms, a living area, a kitchenette, and a full bathroom. All references to any of the apartments having a "balcony" would probably refer to the fire escape. The building has been reinforced by Damage Control, a Marvel-Universe construction company, and the windows that face the street are made out of a special kind of supertough, bulletproof glass.

The rent on each apartment is eight hundred dollars a month, which is insanely cheap for New York City. As a general rule, I tend to assume the vacant apartments cycle through tenants fairly often, as mundane NPCs move in, get weirded out, and leave.

The Manhattan building is on the "current" timeline, so to speak; there, it's June 2006.

#101: song_of_erin, thomas_small (although that was a communication error; we can shuffle them up to #502 if the muns wish)
#102: thehuggernaut
#201: vacant
#202: vacant
#301: mute_but_deadly
#302: vacant
#401: tricksothetrade, manyfaces_
#402: gav_7, vibes_r_us
#501, #502: finalgirl, codename_devil
#601: the Embryon
#602: exstars

basement: razorsharp_boom

The other building is in Brooklyn, in August 1999, on the "canon" Resident Evil Earth. The Raccoon City disaster was approximately ten months ago. There will be no major events in the RE canon timeline for quite awhile, as the next "scheduled" event is the seajacking of the Spencer Rain ocean liner (from RE: Dead Aim) in 2002.

There are eight apartments in the Brooklyn apartment complex. Each one's a little small, but they're comfortable; the wiring and plumbing are brand new, and the old hardwood floors are still in place. So far, the tenants are:

#1: starsmedic, memory_blank
#2: victoria_sage, gale_force
#3: lasttoysoldier, dahdtoudi_mn
#4: vacant
#5: starspointman
#6: vacant (promised to just_mathilda
#7: a couple of college students (mundane NPCs)
#8: sonotastars

The rent in the Brooklyn building is seven hundred fifty dollars a month. It has no special protections as of yet, but it's right around the street from the local precinct house.
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