Nov 01, 2006 01:32

You went trick or treating as

DavyJones gave you AGoldStar.

Hamlet gave you AChupacabraFang.

Cleopatra gave you AMagicEightBall.

Zorro gave you ACommunionWafer.

You had a crackerjack time until SilentBob
ate you.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

You went trick or treating as

WinnieBanks gave you Asparagus.

Michelangelo gave you AChocolateChipCookie.

PrincessLeia gave you ARubySlipper.

CubbiGummi gave you APieceoftheTriforce.

You had a far out time until TheGiantSquid
locked you out of the Emerald City.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

You went trick or treating as

BillNye gave you AGoldenTicket.

Adam gave you Jesus.

ElPescadore gave you AnApple.

Xander gave you AnApolloBar.

You had a smashing time until BraveSirRobin
left you to the Kraken.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

You went trick or treating as

DarthVader gave you Poland.

TheDeadParrot gave you TheHolyGrail.

Aslan gave you AShrunkenHead.

Porthos gave you Candycorn.

You had a dynamite time until WillTurner
introduced you to the Dementors.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG


They were just so cute and funny :D
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