Yes, I am still alive, just too lazy to post. the friday before last, sarah and i saw foozer up in detroit rock city. check the
sexy moblog for a few pictures that i posted from the concert. we forgot to take a regular camera - sarah left hers at our parents' house and we were too cheap to spend 6$ on a disposable camera at target. weezer was amazing! i have been a huge fan since i was... 11 or 12, and sadly, that was the first time that i saw them. foo fighters were pretty good too even though that was the second time that i saw them. they are supposed to stop in columbus, but i'm thinking that they won't seeing that "columbus" isn't on the back of my tour tee. i then stayed up in toldeo for the weekend with sar, and we went to the football game against eastern mich - EMU - when toledo just beat the shit out of emu, which was quite nice seeing that michigan lost that weekend. :(
i have been working, but i have had my hours severly cut - about 8 hours a week - because ohioians seem to not know how to schedule/manage places. but its getting better all the time. *hums some Beatles now*
classes only minorly sick time-wise. i'd be such a more chipper person if i didn't have to wake up before the sun was up, which is the 7 o'clock hour here in o-hi-o. and side bar, it is currently 538 and it's starting to get dark. shoot me, especially those nights that i work until 6 and it's going to be dark out. :(
this past weekend, my mom and sar came over. this weekend, well today and tomorrow sarah is on "fall break," so she's home right now for about 4 days total. anyways mom and sar came over this weekend, and we did a bit of shopping for their birthdays and saw "elizabethtown" which was really quite great, at this new theater called rave motion pictures. tickets were only SIX BUCKS! i don't remember the last time i went to a giant movie theater and only paid six dollars to get in; plus, food wasn't that expensive either. :O
this week, i've got some studying to do since i have a midterm in my stuart and tudor british history class. sunday night we are seeing dave chapelle, how osu got him to play here is beyond me. so i'm pretty stoked about that. oh yah, today molly and i bought our tickets to see INSTITUTE on november 2nd, and we WILL be waiting afterwards to meet gavin and the rest of the band, because dammit, THREE YEARS AGO WHEN WE SAW BUSH WE WENT BACK TO OUR STUPID HOTEL AND DIDN'T MEET ANYONE! in my defense, i was a stupid freshman in college. :p
i was supposed to see green day and jimmy eat world tonight in frigging dayton, but stupid jew left the tour, EVEN THOUGH THE DATES HAD BEEN RESCHEDULED TO INCLUDE JIMMY EAT WORLD. so i gave my tickets to my sister and i think she's bringing another one of her friends with her. oh well, i'm not that big of a green day fan, plus, they'd better be fucking good for two rescheduled dates and no opener. fucking bastards!
well, i'm cold and i'm ungodly tired, so i'm going to go lay in my nice warm futon and find ozzy and force him to snuggle with me. tah tah!