Nov 26, 2007 23:20
Happy 3rd Birthday to my monkeyboy today !!!!
AJ's sister has also just had her baby girl born tonight @ 9:34pm ... going to make it easy for us to remember the date :)
Still ecstatic from the weekends result and had to pinch myself the next morning ... i can't believe that i'm not sitting here thinking how i can't believe he won again.
Had a party for monkeyboy on Sunday with the usual suspects and some of his school friends. Loads of fun, with the day ending as it often does with wines on the verandah at sunset with L&A and J&R, will post some funny pics later.
Today we all went to the beach for a swim and ate fish'n'chips in the park, then home to watch his choice of movie ... he almost grabbed the Bratz before i could say "hey look a dinosaur" on the cover of Meet The Robinsons (why do boys this age suddenly become obsessed with ancient reptiles?).
Back into baking cakes tonight, cooked up a couple of dozen cupcakes for a little party at J's preschool tomorrow. Have an even bigger catering job next week after scoring a big x-mas party brunch at the Tweed regional Art Gallery. None of it was planned, but i seem to have stumbled upon some money to be made with my chefing skills again ...quite handy at this time of year when its alot more appealing then summer in the scrub doing bush regen.